Arduino stepper motor step direction
Arduino stepper motor step direction

Also, there are stepper motors with eight cables, but they are incredibly rare. There are some versions with only five cables that are also unipolar and already have the two center coils connected together internally. With six cables, it is most probably unipolar where the two center coil cables have to be connected together. A four-cable stepper motor is usually bipolar. This is a simple guide on identifying the type. A bipolar stepper motor, available at Sparkfun, Pololu, Adafruit or in an old printer.

arduino stepper motor step direction

An Arduino board connected to a computer via USB.We can control a bipolar stepper motor using the Arduino Motor Shield.


Luckily there are multiple Arduino compatible bipolar stepper drivers out there. To fully control one, two H-bridges are required. Bipolar stepper motors have much higher efficiency and torque however they are much harder to control. Unipolar stepper motors are easy to control at the cost of low efficiency and power. There are two types of stepper motors: unipolar and bipolar. Stepper motors are found in printers, scanners, industrial robot arms, 3D printers, and pretty much in every precision motion device.

arduino stepper motor step direction

It gets interesting when we only tell it to go one step and it turns exactly 1.8 degrees. A typical motor has 200 steps per revolution if we tell the motor to go 100 steps in one direction, it will turn exactly 180 degrees. With the way it is designed, a stepper can only move from one step to the next and fix in that position.

arduino stepper motor step direction

When we need precision and repeatability, a stepper motor is always the solution.

Arduino stepper motor step direction